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Stamp Act

Climaxes of the story

What is the Stamp Act?

The British Parliament implemented the Act on March 22, 1765. The new tax was forced on all American settlers and expected them to pay an expense on each piece of printed paper they utilized. Boat's papers, authoritative records, licenses, papers, different distributions, and in any event, playing a card game were burdened. The cash gathered by the Stamp Act was to be utilized to help pay the expenses of defending the country.

The purpose of the stamp act

All legal documents in the American colonies, including commercial contracts, newspapers, wills, marriage licenses, diplomas, pamphlets, and playing cards, were required to bear a tax stamp under the new tax. The Stamp Act was the first time the British government used a direct tax to raise revenue from the colonies. In 1765, Parliament needed cash to pay for the Indian and French War.

How did the colonists show their anger toward the stamp act? 

The settlers immediately protested the Stamp Act. Settlers shaped a mysterious society called the Sons of Liberty. The Stamp Act made the settlers much more irate at the British, making them more accessible. The Stamp Act is one of the primary drivers of the Revolutionary War.

How did it play a role in the Revolutionary War?

The Stamp Act contributed to the cause of the Revolutionary War. The Sugar Act charge was covered up at the expense of import obligations, and most settlers acknowledged it. Nonetheless, the Stamp Act was an immediate expense on the settlers that hinted at an uproar in America over an issue that should have been a significant reason for Revolution: "taxation without representation." You most likely knew about that state previously. It implies that the settlers were incensed with the British. In this way, they concluded that nothing and nobody ought to reserve the privilege to have the option to tax them without representation. What is more, this is the overall explanation that set off the Revolutionary War to start.

 Why did the stamp act anger the colonists?

Many colonists believed that they should not pay these taxes since Parliament levied them in England rather than by their actual colonial governments. They objected, claiming that the taxes violate their British citizenship rights.


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