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Formation of New Amsterdam

Important Historical Leaders

Henry Hudson

An excellently competent navigator and sea captain born around 1560 in England. He displayed a lifelong enthusiasm for Arctic exploration. His talent and skills to brave the unknown ocean was discovered by two of the world’s most prosperous companies of the time, the Muscovy Company and the Dutch East India Trading Company in Amsterdam. Today he has a bay, strait and river all named after him in North America.


Henry Hudson, the first European explorer to discover Manhattan Island.

Peter Minuet

Peter Minuit was born in Wesel, Kleve, Germany around 1580. He was initially a deacon at the church in his hometown. He then fled from Germany and became a colonial governor and moved to the colony of New Netherlands. Later in 1626, he was promoted to be the director-general for the Manhattan colony by the Dutch West India Trading Company.

Peter Minuet - a colonial governer.



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